YAG Laser Capsulotomy

What is YAG Laser Capsulotomy?

A small proportion of people who have had successful cataract surgery will develop “after-cataract”, otherwise known as Posterior Capsular Opacification (PCO). This is when a layer of lens cells spreads across the posterior lens capsule behind the artificial lens, and can seriously impair vision.

Generally, PCO forms in 10% of patients some 2-5 years after cataract surgery but is very easily treated with YAG Laser Capsulotomy.

This is a simple laser procedure that takes a few minutes and is performed as an outpatient. The laser simply creates a permanent opening in the back of the lens capsule, allowing light to be focussed once more by the lens, onto the retina. The improvement in vision is almost immediate.

Generally, Mr McPherson will try to perform the YAG laser treatment at the same visit as the initial consultation, if possible.

What are the Symptoms of PCO?

Please book an appointment to see Mr McPherson if you experience any of these symptoms:

What Happens During YAG Laser Capsulotomy?

As this is an outpatient procedure, the process will be very quick. When you arrive, you will be given drops that dilate your pupils. This will make it easier for Mr McPherson to see the problem.

After a quick inspection of the affected eye, you will be given anaesthetic drops to numb any pain, and then Mr McPherson will use the YAG Laser to create the small hole in the lens as described above. If you require both eyes to have the same procedure, we will endeavour to do both in the same consultation.

After the procedure, you should feel no pain, and be able to see the results almost immediately. You will be free to leave the hospital anytime after completion.

Are there any risks associated with YAG Laser Capsulotomy?

The procedure is extremely simple, so there are minimal risks to be concerned about. However, Mr McPherson will ensure that all your questions are answered in your consultation. It is important that you feel safe when agreeing to surgery of any kind, and that you are aware of exactly what is being performed.

Where can I learn more?

Mr McPherson recommends the following resources to learn more about YAG Laser Capsulotomy: